This build is actually from mid 2023, when my friend Pnic came to my place for a weekend. Our goal: create something out of trash during the available time. We honestly kinda underestimated the time it would take.

The week prior, I mulled over the general idea and concept. Being influenced by a old (but nice) game named Feudal Alloy, I had my visual style. Dead Head Fred, a PSP hidden hem, was also one of my main inspirations.

I roughly sketched what shapes I needed, and I was ready to go: a robotic medieval knight with a twist: his head is a brain in a jar.

The build

This two-days kitbash marathon (kitbashathon?) was really intense. I gathered a lot of stuff, but never enough, and the lack of parts was both a handicap and a source of constraints that helped the creativity.

The main body is a part from an old electronic toy. Using beads, tubes, gardening hoses tips and a lot of glue, I started to have the cartoonish robot shape that I wanted.
The brain itself was made using fimo. Not my best piece of art, but it works!

Of course it needed googly eyes.

I also added wires both for the details, but also to give the illusion of the floating brain plugged to the mechanical body.

Finished model

The base is a simple wooden disc on which I glued cut pieces of cardboard to give the illusion of a stone pavement.

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By Thi'

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